feed the children
Every day, 95 children in the Philippines die from malnutrition. Twenty-seven out of 1,000 Filipino children do not get past their fifth birthday. A third of Filipino children are stunted, or short for their age. Stunting after 2 years of age can be permanent, irreversible and even fatal.
Winter-Spring 2022
Our Impact
Bricks Manufactured
Restrooms Built
Nutrition Centers
Children Fed Daily
Our Story
The Rise and Rebuild Foundation is committed to aiding the poor and the malnourished in the Philippine Islands. The initial program began with the building of communal bathrooms after the devastating Typhoon Hian in November of 2013. While we continue to build bathrooms, The Rise and Rebuild Foundation focuses on the nutrition of malnourished children, from birth through secondary school. We also drill potable water wells, build nutrition centers from the bricks made at our brick making facilities, and operate our garden centers. The establishment of large gardens provide free vegetables for the nutrition centers as well as needed employment for people from local villages.
The need for aid in the Philippines is overwhelming. The Rise and Rebuild Foundation is able to enrich and bless the lives of many because of the generous donations of supportive friends.
COVID-19 Response
Our year began as usual with the opening of more nutrition centers, the expansion of new gardens, and the introduction of feeding centers for children ages zero to five years old. However, in March, because of the COVID-19 virus, the country basically shut down. With this national shutdown, the increased need for fresh produce was overwhelming. Our entire focus became increasing the productivity in each of our three gardens, thus providing vegetables for much of the general public who found themselves hungry and in need.
Beginning in early March, 2020, with over 50 million people under lockdown in the Philippines, including the bad of all domestic travel, food became scarce and expensive, resulting in hungry people. Many of the markets, on which locals depend for their daily supplies, lacked the necessary food supply. Because of this unforeseen circumstances, Rise and Rebuild immediately changed direction from providing food for our nutrition centers to giving free food to local churches, villages and towns.
As the spread of the virus increased, so did our work force. To increase production, many of those workers who were previously making bricks and working on construction projects were reassigned to work in the gardens, thus increasing the production of fresh vegetables. We have been producing 300 to 400 pounds of fresh vegetables daily.